Martian Successor Nadesico
Kidou Senkan Nadesico


2196 is the year in which the series is set. The "Jovian Lizards," an alien invasion force, and Earth are at war. The ND-001 Nadesico is a space battleship created by Nergal Heavy Industries. Despite the ship's might and the fact that its crew is made up of the best civilian professionals in each of their disciplines, these people frequently exhibit "some mild personality abnormalities." Akito Tenkawa, the main character, is a little kid with a mystery past. He was formerly a resident of Mars' Utopia colony, but after it was destroyed by the Jovian Lizards, he managed to escape and ended up on Earth. He has no memory of how he got there, only a tremendous fear of the alien invaders. He aspires to be a chef and despises fighting. He is frequently required to operate one of the Nadesico's Aestivalis humanoid battle robots, though. Akito has more issues on board the Nadesico than simply the Jovians to cope with; practically every female crew member, including the ship's commander Yurika Misumaru, appears to be madly in love with him, despite the fact that all he wants to do is cook and watch his favorite anime, Gekiganger III.